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Fuming, steaming, stimulating. A Camaraderie Cafe

Friday, May 19, 2006

great university

We are living in a place the so called shrine of knowlege, the knowledge which can not be completed without the basic principles of humanity, though these principles vary from person to person. I was astonished even shocked to see the young people who are gaining knowledge here are not having the basic emotions as to how to respect an old man. I can not tell the whole story though Muskan knows it. Due to severe pain in my tooth I woke up early that morning (11 May) to distract myself from the pain I went for a walk and sitting at gate no. 1 of the university, I heard a strange noise near English department. I rushed there and found an old man almost under the tyres of a Sumo or Scorpio, I was unable to check the number. And the persons in the vehicle were scolding the man for not looking around. There speed was near about 90 . The man was sitting on the road and was crying . The vehicle was gone without paying any atteintion to that person. I insisted the person to go for medical aid in PGI but he was ignoring. Perhaps he was reluctant because of the shortage of money. I helped him to get on the scooter of a person passing by. The MAHAN persons were or are the students of our good place, the peak of knowledge. When I was at the lake on that night with the rest of the group, it made me to loose deep in the waves of the water that was clogging against the rocks like that person in the darkness of this so .............. society. Finding his true place starting from the lap of the fertile mountains like from his mother's lap. How can these type of situations be avoided? each blow of the cool air was whispering in my ears and I was unable to answer. Perhaps I am doing my job by writing this message .


  • At 20/5/06 9:51 AM, Blogger Ashish said…

    Hi Michel,
    Welcome on board! It was great to see your posting. It is a pity that even our higher education does not adequately prepare us for incidents that you mention. How to deal with an accident or a mishap in a sympathetic, purposeful manner? After accidents generally we find people more keen on settling scores. There is a glaring lack of sympathy and understanding. I myself have felt helpless, hesitant and sometimes totally at loss as to how to deal with such situations. In one of the postings here, you would find that Ravinder and I had been talking about "comparing notes." This incident incites me to look at my own responses in such crisis situations.
    One thing that you mention is that the old man refused to be helped. Well money can be one reason. The other reason can be that he looks at the medical care given in our modern day hospitals as a heartless service. He does not expect hospitals to really care for him. For me the question is whether our hospitals and medical institutions are accessible and approachable for people such as the one you mention.
    And of course the bottomline still remains how much are we able to identify with the weak, the victim.

  • At 28/7/11 5:43 AM, Anonymous michel said…

    missing our group..


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